Thursday, September 22, 2011

Two Years.

Exactly one month ago, Mike and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary. I think about our wedding day often. It was the funnest day of my life. If only we could re-live it every year...

We celebrated by going to the temple and the National Museum of American History, and then enjoying a nice dinner at a french restaurant called Bistro d'OC.

This was part of an exhibit in the American's at War section of the museum. I especially enjoyed the poster on the right.

Vote for me!

To many, many more years....

New Couch.

Yesterday was a big day in the Barnett household. We finally got to put away the air mattress because our new couch came!!! And I love it.
We're so happy to finally have a place to sit.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

The National Mall.

Our favorite part about living in D.C. is the endless amount of activities and things to see.  We've set a goal to try and see at least one tourist attraction each weekend, and with the exception of the hurricane Irene weekend when we didn't leave our house, we have been successful.  Our first weekend here we decided to hit the National Mall.   
 I like to do all the dorky tourist things like pretend to push the Washington Monument because Mike gets so embarrassed! I think it's pretty funny.
 This soldier proposed to his girlfriend in the middle of the World War II memorial. Everybody clapped and cheered for the happy couple. Can you get any more cheesy?
 There is always a sense of reverence at all the memorials and monuments. I love it because it gives me a chance to reflect on the many people that have done so much for this great country.
For some reason I thought this would be a good pose to do in front of the White House. But, what am I DOING? I look like a fool. If you look in the background, there is a girl doing an equally embarrassing pose. I guess the White House just makes you want to strike a pose :)